December 22, 2010

Titles are a Dead Giveaway for the Content of the Entry. Therefore, I revolt!

There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole, there's a hole
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.

There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a log, there's a log
There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

Am I the only one who sees a connection here?
Tsk tsk.
Corrupting young minds...


Ghadeer said...

Omg, you'd have to be extra-pervy to notice that in the first place! :p

The Renegade Gypsy said...

I didn't even say anything :P
You figured it out, meaning YOU are extra-pervy too xD

Haha, I'm not a perv. I tend to make a lot of pervy jokes though, they're fun :P :D Figured this one out with the sis-in-law while reciting it to my niece :P Ah, the wonders of life!

secret.whispers said...

oh god. i didn't see it until you pointed it out.
OMG EW. that is so disgustingggggg. ew ew ew ew ew.
and you were reciting this to Aneeba?! what is wrong with you?!?!?

The Renegade Gypsy said...

Oh it's so dramatic.. *sticks tongue out*