January 12, 2010

Sans Bénéfice

I dream,
Begging to be inspired
Throw that bigotry out the door—
A fire has come alive.
I dream,
Begging to be inspired
Care not I for a moment’s worth of insipidity;
I refuse to let it harbour within me.
I dream,
Begging to be inspired.
Prosaic minds absoluting prototypical notions—
Nay sir, I abjure—I cradle not mine in a bridled casket.
I dream,
Begging to be inspired
Breathe-in an air of avant-garde;
Senses ignited by revolutionary flames.

You dream
Aiming to discipline my abstract complexities
Blame not I you sir;
You breathe in a world curbed by conformity;
Bigotry the skeletal structure of your borrowed notions.

But I abjure.

I abjure.

Oust your bigot roots up from the ground;
And march like revolutionaries
For trees of antagonism
Reap no fruits.
Sans bénéfice.

Arfah Shahid Siddiqi


secret.whispers said...

i like it.
i'm commenting on here because i don't want 10 million notifications on fb...

...which i just realized i will get anyway coz i'm tagged. hahahahahaha
okay nvm.
i'm commenting here because i want to :P

Americanising Desi said...

:O i think i will have to let this piece go un -commented.

it is brilliant!

Anonymous said...


@AD-- Thank you <3 <3 <3 :]

Abdullah Tariq said...

Mujhay zyada samajh nahin ayi. :[

Aur I feel cool commenting here.
I don't like your fb. >_>

Mohammad Ali Tehsin said...

This is exceptional.

Anonymous said...

@Ugly-- Aww thank you :]
Khud ki dekhi hain? Awesomeness oozeti hain :P
I don't like my FB too ]:

@Mohammad Ali-- Why thank you :]

~RainDrops said...